
A Healthy Relationships Curriculum for Teens & Young Adults

After years in the making, we are thrilled to be able to share our healthy relationships curriculum, Thrive, with you and your students. It can be used in both Christian and secular settings, just take out the verses and prayers as you work through it if that is more appropriate for the setting you are presenting in.

Unlike many curriculums that our staff has come in contact with in the past, this curriculum has more to do with setting life goals and learning how to think critically than it is about purity - knowing that the decisions and actions that teens take now can affect the rest of their lives.

This curriculum is FREE for you to use, either in full or as a jumping-off point for the topics covered. We pray that it is valuable for your students.

Curriculum Downloads

The Thrive Curriculum is designed to build on itself, going from directive one to directive three. However, as a leader you can absolutely use each lesson as a standalone to cover specific topics or themes. You can download all lesson plans here, or download each directive separately below.

Becoming the Hero of Your Own Story

Students learn to know themselves better in order to recognize what goals, strengths, weaknesses, and values guide them through life.

Lessons Included:

  • What’s Your Story?'

  • You’re Not A Blank Page: Who Gets To Help Write Your Story?

  • Rooting Out My Values

Topics Covered: Identity, values, setting life goals and examining your life story thus far.

Developing the Plotlines & Characters of Your Story

Students discuss how their brains affect decision making and learn how to be selective and intentional when forming their tribe.

Lessons Included:

  • Brain Power: Usin g Brain Science to Affect Your Story

  • Marble Jar Tribe: Who Deserves to be a Part of Your Story?

  • Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Topics Covered: Decision making, discerning friendships, boundaries for teens.

Writing Your Romantic Story Line

In order to contend with the culture, students need to understand what authentic, committed love looks like in action.

Lessons Included:

  • What’s Love Got to Do With It? Writing your Love Story

  • Love: Fall In, Fall Out: Editing Your Love Story

  • What Are Your “Sexpectations”?

Topics Covered: Real love vs. fake love, intentionality, p*rn, toxic love, how sex affects relationships, what’s the difference between attraction and love, masturbation, sexual harassment, how sex affects your big life goals.

Let Us Know What You Think!

We are always looking for way to improve or would love to hear what was helpful for you and your students. Please complete this four question survey to let us know what you thought of Thrive in exchange for utilizing our curriculum!

Other Alpha Center Resources

If you are entrusted with young adults, there is a good chance you may need other resources to cover healthy sexuality or mental health. Alpha Center also offers the following services at no cost in Fort Collins:

Call 970.239.2272 to schedule an appointment!